Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Crossing

Yesterday I did the crossing. I took the Interislander ferry from Wellington to Picton, port city in the South Island. I'm back on the road! What a good feeling!

The morning started brilliantly and promised a good crossing.

View from Wellington harbor out towards Cook's Strait

It's a three-hour crossing,the Cook's Strait, and I was a bit surprised to see bits of land during the entire trip. There are tons of little uninhabited islands dotting the seascape. And just as I was starting to doze off, we entered Queen Charlotte Sound and the colors were magnificent. Unfortunately, the camera couldn't give you a really good idea of the color of the water, but it was a deep turquoise. You wouldn't think that it could be cold with such a wonderful landscape, but it was quite nippy.

Here are some more photos I took as we passed through the Sound. Enjoy!

Below: video as we entered Queen Charlotte Sound, though I mentioned that it was Cook's Strait. My mistake!

Entering Picton Harbor

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